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Komponist zu Gast bei den Proben in Norfolk 

von Caroline Renschen




3/ 30: The composer is attending the 4th day of rehearsal! 

Today’s focus: 

“A composer can write notes and rhythms,  he can put black marks on white pages – the music has to come from you!” (Stephen Melillo). 

More clearly put, you can “write” notes, rhythms, and all the codes of NOTATION but can’t actually write Music.  Why?  Because Music is made from the Soul INTERPRETING those symbols of notation.

 Was this the first time that you have been writing for young musicians? 

STORMWORKS pieces have all been written for kids, this is what I do. This year marks 30 years of “STORMWORKS”.

STORMWORKS, my self-publishing entity is in many countries around the world, like STORMWORKS Japan for example.  STORMWORKS Europe, etc.

I am and always have been on a level of great understanding with kids. Since I have two sons, one now senior in high school (his photo is on the Score Cover of “We Hold These Truths”), this is even more relevant to me than it has been before. 

Can you explain the challenge of writing for students? 

When you are writing this kind of music, you have to embrace the many parameters: for example the student’s level, the forces available to you in the ensemble, the strengths and weakness of each section.  In the case of “We Hold These Truths”, we must add many other factors.  One must meet the “story-line” of the project, WHILE anticipating the Time needed to put 2 groups together who will only meet for 1 week prior to the concert.  To the parameters we must add the additional use of acting, potential staging, photographs, choreography, and really ANY art that the Teachers wanted to add. Instead of being “confining”, these parameters are actually challenging and helpful.  They urge Creativity!

Tell us about your impressions today.

They all did such a great job. Considering that until now the chorus and the orchestra couldn’t play together, that they had to rehearse separately, this was quite a challenge.  These are such Beautiful kids!

We get the impression that they are really supporting each other, is that true?

Yes, that’s also my impression and that is what they are supposed to do. The challenge now is to teach the Musicians not to hide behind the easier played loud passages.  In the Softness, the opportunity for great Music happens. There’s a Chinese saying:  In clear water, little fish have no place to hide. 

And that’s what all the musicians have to understand.

On the day the Russian Military invaded Ukraine, I was composing “A Requiem of Two Poems”.  In this work, there are some quite sad and deeply moving ideas. Sincere, Real Music is like a Mirror. In it, one can learn about one’s own Soul. Music can heal, but always, Music has to tell the Truth. We hold these truths was composed during the beginnings of the Ukraine war.  Its message is a Mirror for all of us to reflect in.

"Love, Not War" is in the centre of what the musical is about, and at the same time, of what the exchanges between these fine young people are about. Thank you for supporting me in this way during the process of the composition.

We were thrilled at once by your ideas, thank you so much for your inspiration. You are going to attend the celebration on Saturday with the premiere of your work. How do you feel about that? 

I believe the Audience will be moved.  For some moments, they will be “blown away!”  And in other moments, they will experience the profound Hearts and Souls of their Children.

Thank you for your time. We are looking forward to Saturday.









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