Kategoriebild: object(stdClass)#1353 (3) {
  string(0) ""
  string(40) "images/beitraege/aktuelles/aktuelles.jpg"
  string(0) ""
Komplettes Beitragsbild: NULL
Eigenes Modul: int(0)
Kopfbild allgemein: int(0)


Owen und Ben zu Gast am CGL 


Inga Wolke und Lenchen Möhlenkamp:

Am 17 Oktober sind Ben und Owen in Bremen gelandet.

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Zwei Wochen Herbstferien lagen vor uns. Wir haben so einiges erlebt:
Heide Park, Hannover, Bowling, Bremen, Jump House, Meyer Werft sowie ein siegreicher Stadion Besuch in Bremen mit Frank Wiehe (der Sohn des ehemaligen Schulleiters Jürgen Wiehe).
Wir waren zusammen in Hamburg und haben uns den Hafen, die Elbphilharmonie, den Hamburger Dom und die Stadt angesehen.
Gemeinsam waren wir im Auswandererhaus in Bremerhaven u.v.m.
Ben und Owen haben viel Zeit in den Familien verbracht, um so das deutsche Familienleben kennenzulernen und ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu verbessern. Wir haben viele Aktionen zusammen unternommen. Zum Abschluss planen wir noch ein gemeinsames Wochenende mit beiden Familien in Berlin.

Owen Kulow:

My time in Germany has been incredible. From seeing Hannover to the emigration museum in Bremerhaven, we‘ve been all over northwestern Germany. Throughout our time here I’ve developed a much stronger sense of the German culture. I particularly liked the emigration museum in Bremerhaven. They offered audio in both English and German and it was very interesting to see the impact emigration had on Germany. I also really enjoyed visiting Hamburg. We explored the city, including the Elbphilharmonie, which offered a great view of the city. As our day was finishing up, we found a carnival and spent a couple hours there. Overall it was really fun. This German Exchange has been a really good opportunity to develop myself and my understanding of German lifestyle and culture, which is very different from the life I’m used to, and I think our trips really added to that experience.

Ben Parker:

My time in Germany so far has been an incredible experience. I have learned more about Germany and about speaking German in the last six weeks than I have at any other point in my life. I have picked up countless minute details about the language that I could only learn by constantly speaking the language, instead of studying in a classroom. The ability to speak German every hour of every day gives me the ability to elevate my language beyond something binary, like speaking either the correct or incorrect sentences in a class, to something much more resembling a usable language. My time in Germany has been amazing, and it has elevated my speaking ability far beyond anything I thought possible.

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